It’s the last week of Quarter 1 already which means that April is just around the corner with a new set of awareness days to use in your content marketing.
1st #HelloApril #HelloApril
Easter Monday #EasterMonday
6th New Beer’s Eve #newbeerseve
7th National Beer Day (USA) #nationalbeerday
9th National Gin & Tonic Day (USA) #nationalginandtonicday
14th Tannat Day (Uraguay) #tannatday
17th Malbec World Day #malbecworldday
19th Amaretto Day #NationalAmarettoDay
21st National British Tea Day (UK) #NationalBritishTeaDay
23rd St George’s Day (UK) #StGeorgesDay
26th International Voignier Day #internationalVoignierDay
27th World Marselan Day #WorldMarselanDay
30th Bubble Tea Day (USA) #NationalBubbleTeaDay
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