How is it the last week of February already?! The year is speeding away and another month is just around the corner. Here are the awareness days for March to use in your content marketing for your drinks brand.
1st #HelloMarch #HelloMarch
St David’s Day #stdavidsday
Barista Day #baristaday
3rd Irish Whiskey Day #IrishWhiskeyDay
National Mulled Wine Day #NationalMulledWineDay
5th National Absinthe Day #nationalabsintheday
10th Mother’s Day (UK) #mothersday
15th Expresso Martini Day #expressomartiniday
17th St Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
22nd World Water Day #WorldWaterDay
24th National Cocktail Day #NationalCocktailDay
27th International Whiskey Day #InternationalWhiskeyDay
29th Good Friday #GoodFriday
31st Easter Sunday #EasterSunday
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