
We hear a lot about a mobile-first strategy when it comes to online digital strategy these days – but what can it mean for your strategy for your export social media marketing?

Mobile-first means think about how your audience through their mobile phone first.  However, that may not mean the same thing in overseas markets to what it does in the UK. With over 8 billion people in the world, not everyone accesses the internet in the same way.

How does your audience access the internet?

Think about whether your audience does access social media through a mobile phone.  Maybe they actually use a laptop or another device entirely such as a connected TV or smart home device.  Think what that means for your content.

What is the connection speed like?

What is the download speed on a fixed connection or a mobile one? Slow speeds can mean that video or image content is going to be problematic for your audience to download.  Is data cheap or expensive? For some countries it can be prohibitive so you need content to download quickly.

Think whether a mobile-first approach is actually the right approach for your international goals and, if so, what this means for your content strategy.

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