£500 a day

Our eyes on your digital marketing for a VIP consultancy day.

Essentially, you get exclusive access 1:1 for an entire day on and off using Voxer (a free walkie-talkie voice/ text message app) and we get you moving in a hugely impactful way. 

You know you want to get some traction with your digital marketing quickly and you know that it’s not a Power Hour (not enough depth) or a long-term coaching package (you want quick results) that you need.

It would be good if you could…

  • Have access to someone who understands what it means to be quietly ambitious about your goals in the drinks sector.
  • Talk to someone who knows the need to do it all in line with your personality, your values, and in a way that prioritises rest, ease and mental wellness.
  • Dive deep into your mindset troubles for a day
  • Get just the right amount of support to get you to taking action on that new project.
  • Or get some feedback on that idea you just can’t shake.

Book your VIP Day here

Feel free to book more than one slot now to use in the future.

How does a VIP Day on Voxer work?

Voxer is a free walkie-talkie app that allows us to exchange voice and text messages.

During a VIP Day on Voxer, we’ll be in touch over Voxer on and off to dive deep into whatever is keeping you stuck, or whatever that idea is that you want to make progress on.

Here’s how a VIP Day works:

1. You choose a date for your VIP Day.

You don’t need to free your calendar for this. A VIP Day works really well around team building or business planning activities or even around other meetings and calls. So if you have a few things on, or you have to start it late/ end it early that’s fine as long as we still have a chunk of a few hours.

You just need to make sure you have enough time between your day activities to listen and reply to messages – as well as the mental space to think, process, take action, journal (if you need to) etc.

2. We get you set up on Voxer.

If you don’t have a Voxer account, you’ll create one – it’s free.

We’ll add each other on Voxer, and you can send me a message in advance to tell me more about what’s troubling you. This way, we can dive right in when your day starts.

3. When your VIP Day comes, you’ll have access to me from 8am to 6pm UK time

Don’t worry – this isn’t a 10 hour chat (which would be exhausting for us both), and you’re not expected or supposed to be sitting by your phone waiting for replies.

We’ll be exchanging messages throughout the day at a steady yet relaxed pace. Sometimes back and forth, sometimes with some gaps for other stuff going on

The best thing about a VIP Day is that there is space in between messages to think, journal, or take action in between. 

That’s part of what makes a VIP Day effective.

Book your VIP Day here

Feel free to book more than one slot now to use in the future.

Find out more about our other Services.